Bushes declare war on Christmas

This may come as a surprise, if you have been paying any attention to the right-wing's complaints about the plot to make Christmas a secular holiday. (As someone who has taken Christ out of Christofferson I am also suspect.) Anyway, Think Progress reports:
President Bush’s War on Christmas
This shocking event occured at the White House this morning:
Laura Bush ended the event by saying, “So have a very, very happy holiday to everybody. Have fun. ”
If Ms. Bush watched more Bill O’Reilly she’d know how offensive her remarks were to Christians:
GUEST: “Season’s Greetings” and “Happy Holidays,” Bill, does not offend Christians.
O’REILLY: Yes, it does. It absolutely does. And I know that for a fact.
How about this thought for right wing blasphemers out there who feel that Jesus would be into capitol gains cuts, who advocate cutting off home heating fuel to the poor, or push for offing Latin American leaders -- let's put Christ back into Christian.
I'm with you on this one.
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