Thursday, December 08, 2005

Have yourself a merry little holiday

-- Bob Engelhart, Hartford Courant, via Cagle.

Having taken care of the little stuff, like toting guns and hassling gays, Wisconsin lawmakers now can turn their attention to the major issue of the day.

Warms your cockles, doesn't it?

To 46 leggies who signed the letter: Get a life.


At 11:26 AM, Blogger Walton said...

While I whole-heartedly agree with your last sentiment of Legislators needing to get a life, I find it pretty ironic that the Capitol has official holiday recognition from a myriad of religions, quasi-religions, and anti-religions but is scared off from acknowledging the religion behind the primary holiday fuss.

Reminds me of my kid's "Winter Festive Concert" at a public school where they portrayed Hannukah, Islamic festivals, Wicca, Bhuddist rites of winter celebration and the more recent quasi-holiday of Kwanzaa. Seemed like there was a cultural/religious point of view somehow missed during all of this.

At 10:19 AM, Blogger Walton said...

And then from the polar extreme:

Aren't these the people also upset about "frivilous lawsuits?"


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