Infidel Doyle celebrates pagan holiday

His public image is pretty serious, not warm and fuzzy. "Does the guy have a sense of humor?" they ask.
I'm not sure whether this helps or hurts. Will it make him seem more like a normal person, someone you would like to watch Seinfeld with, or some kind of goofball? (This is not an online poll. That is, however, the Festivus pole at right.)
In any case, the gov has just celebrated Festivus. It's not really a pagan holiday; it's a Seinfeld holiday. And I can just imagine Doyle's list of grievances; he's probably still airing them.
The Capital Times has the story.
And Tom Sheehan of the LaCrosse Tribune has the Festivus interview yada yada yada.
Can we tell Doyle where to stick the pole as part of the feats of strength? I've gotta whole bunch of grievances to air this year.
Okay, let's take this wonderful story to its illogical conclusion. If Gov. Doyle is Jerry, Susan Goodwin is Elaine, Marc Marotta is Kramer and Martin Schreiber is George.
Can't you see them sitting around some Madison dive, maybe the DOA cafeteria or Ella's and talking about ... nothing?
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