Saturday, December 10, 2005

A poll you can safely ignore

There is a new Edgewood College poll, which got a big story in the Capital Times on Saturday.

Here's my analysis: Don't waste your time.

The total sample is 225, not enough to tell you anything meaningful -- and totally worthless when you break it down into subgroups like city vs. county.

Read it here if you must. But don't be fooled into thinking it means anything.

I say that even though Jim Doyle beats Mark Green and Scott Walker about 4 to 1, and Kathleen leads Peg Lautenschlager for AG. I see no indication they even limited the AG primary question to Democrats. Even in Dane County, everyone's not a Democratic primary voter. The story goes back and forth between calling those surveyed "voters" and "residents," so it's not even clear who was surveyed.

Maybe details of the poll and methodology will clear up some of those questions if and when the college releases them. But it won't change the sample size, and that's a real problem.


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