Urgent: Arctic refuge under attack again

This urgent message from the Sierra Club:
It's been a long battle to save the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge from oil companies and their allies in Congress. Today the fight has taken yet another unbelievable turn.
In a desperate last-minute effort to pass widely opposed legislation, a group of Senators led by Senator Stevens from Alaska -- the man who brought you "bridges to nowhere" -- has slipped Arctic National Wildlife Refuge drilling language onto the Defense Appropriations bill.
Please take five minutes to call your Senators immediately and express your strong opposition and outrage to this scheme.
Tell your Senator that:
The Defense Appropriations bill is the wrong place to decide controversial policy issues or to approve a scheme that would spoil a national treasure forever. This legislation is intended to support our men and women in uniform and should not be hijacked by those who are pushing drilling in the Arctic Refuge.
This sneaky back-door maneuver by pro-drilling politicians is nothing but a desperate attempt to hold the legislative process hostage. It is particularly outrageous given that this bill funds our troops in a time of war.Every minute counts today. Call your Senators RIGHT NOW at (202) 224-3121 and urge them to do everything in their power to stop the drilling lobby from hijacking the Defense spending bill with Arctic Refuge drilling.
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