Monday, January 23, 2006

The Abominable No Men

Have you noticed how the Republican response to every idea in Gov. Jim Doyle's State of the State speech has been to play the roles of the Abominable No Men?

It all costs money, they say. OK, not much, but we don't have any. When new revenue estimates say there is more money, they don't change their tune. They're willing to spend money to set up a bureaucracy to license concealed weapons, but not to help people keep their families from freezing this winter.

Cory Liebman has been paying attention, and asks, if Christmas is over, why is Scrooge still here?

Carrie Lynch writes that the only things Rep. Mark Green thinks we can afford are some pork -- oops, I mean earmark -- projects he got in the federal budget, despite huge deficits. But when it comes to the state of Wisconsin, he has no ideas or interest in doing anything.


At 10:14 AM, Blogger xoff said...

Do they have to be dead before we help, or just very cold?

I'd be happy to match your 2005 contributions to heating assistance funds. Just post the list and amounts here. That would be the compassionate conservative way to handle it.

At 12:37 PM, Blogger John445 said...

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At 12:38 PM, Blogger John445 said...

Wow, the 'ol bootstrap routine. I am so impressed with that personal responsibility stuff. Let's hear more because anyone can do it! Again Wow!


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