Monday morning mopup:
Gay issue freaks out Darling staffer
Cleaning out the inbox on Monday morning:
Horrific response. Anne DeSellier, a constituent of State Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills, wrote Darling a pefectly reasonable letter about discrimination against gays, and can't understand the horrific response she got from Darling's office.
The ultimate voter suppression. If you stood in line for hours to vote, did nothing wrong, and ended up in court, charged with voter fraud, would it make you think twice about voting next time? It's an amazing story.
Ya think? Jay Heck of Common Cause in Wisconsin " praised the elements of Gov. Jim Doyle's (ethics) proposal," said it didn't go far enough, and "doubted its chances of success without heavy support from Republicans, who control both houses of the legislature," the Journal Sentinel reported. Well, duh! With a 60-39 majority in the Assembly and a 19-14 edge in the Senate, nothing passes without some Republican support. But the JS thought that was so insightful it made the third graf of the front-page story.
Letting the people decide. What on earth is wrong with letting the people have a voice on the Iraq war? If the war is supposed to be bringing democracy to Iraq, maybe a little democracy could trickle down to Monona and Watertown, where local officials are resisting attempts to have a referendum.
An independent voter? He's been blogging in Port Washington since March 2004, and leans to the right, but seems somewhat open-minded. As Tom Lehrer sang, he doesn't like anybody very much. He's The Independent Voter.
Not on the list. Maybe I've been purged from the Doyle list, but I have not seen an e-mail from the gov's campaign asking people to as public television to carry his State of the State speech. One blogger says the e-mail made the rounds of every other mailing list I'm on.
Here's haiku to you. Patrick McIlheran's regular anti-government op ed rant in the Journal Sentinel has inspired some haiku.
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