Saturday, February 11, 2006

In your dreams, Scooter

From Scott Walker's weekly e-newsletter:

Walker: Executive Experience
"As a county executive, I'm a lot like the governor already," he said. "I'm the head of the executive branch. I have a budget, a cabinet, a veto, a 'buck-stopswith-me' type of mentality, and the issues I deal with are all the same - the environment, transportation, taxes, spending, health care, labor relations. I do all the things that a governor does on a day-in, day-out basis."
Never thought of that. Being county executive is JUST LIKE being governor, isn't it? Only different.

Especially noteworthy is his "buck stops with me" philosophy. That from a guy who has never, ever taken responsibility for anything that has gone wrong in his administration -- and there has been plenty. Walker blames someone else every time. He has no clue about what it means to be accountable and take responsibility for his actions.


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