Friday, February 17, 2006

McBride watch; because it's there

Why do I keep doing it? Because she makes it so damned easy.

Jessica McBride post:

...Eugene Kane's column wasn't in my Waukesha edition (I seem to remember it being in there before). Darn. (yeah, right). I hear it was pretty humorous. He actually thinks a white guy replacing a black guy on a black radio program is diversity but a white woman is not because she sounds like a white guy (never occurs to him the white guys might sound like the white woman).
So she wants us to believe she didn't read Kane online, which she pretty clearly did. She was posting her blog comment on the Internet, where one can easily find Kane's column. Think she might have sneaked a peek, or just relied on hearsay? For someone who claims not to have read it, she knows a lot about it.

It probably didn't occur to Kane that all of those white guys sound like her, instead of vice versa, since the white guys were already there and she is the one who was just hired. In an earlier post she suggested that brought "diversity" to the station.


At 8:40 AM, Blogger Other Side said...

Bwah ha ha ha...ha ha ha...ouch, Jessica stop's too funny...oh my gawd...stop it...bwah ha ha!

At 2:40 PM, Blogger nosefornews said...

As easy a target as Jessie McSykes is, I'd reserve some birdshot for Journal Communications which is ultimately responsible for what amounts to All GOP, All the time on our radio waves and on its Sunday morning gabfest.

The First Amendment actually does protect JC on this but shame on them for joining the Rush bandwagon of the '90s rather than promoting true public affairs programming.

I'm just sayin'...



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