Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Feingold's Bold Move

People (the GOP) bashing and/or ignoring (mainstream Dems) Russ Feingold over the maverick Democrat's proposal to censure President Bush should remember the last noteworthy time that Feingold took an isolated position: his vote against the so-called Patriot Act.

It didn't take long for plenty of liberals and conservatives to realize that Feingold was right and they were wrong.

As the consequences of Bush's arrogance on the Iraq war and domestic wiretapping become more costly, (and don't forget the administration's indifferent response to Katrina), the wisdom of Feingold's censure motion will become more apparent.

The voters will censure Bush in 2008 by voting in an administration far different than what passed for leadership the previous eight years, and Feingold's effort to have started the censuring in 2006 will look prescient.


At 10:14 AM, Blogger Dad29 said...


Jim Sensenbrenner was onboard with Feinie about the first version of the PA--the Milwaukee JS printed a story saying that they were joined at the hip on the issue.

Others joined, later. Much later. But principled Conservatives saw the problems early.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger XOut said...

And I would prefer that the shameless junior senator from Wisconsin wasn't shameless, brainless or my senator. Alas, we all have our burdens to carry.

While we are making requests… how about referring to Congressman Sensenbrenner as such rather than F.Jim?

Anyone for World Peace?

At 4:25 PM, Blogger XOut said...

Yeah, lets behave. We don't want Kane or Rowen calling for Dad29's censure or any other 'bold move' like that.

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Dad29 said...

I note the guest bloglodyte did not respond to the substance of my post.

Is he indisposed? Or just running spin?

Now we have Nobody's Senator and Nobody's Presidential Wannabee with ( -WI) after their names.

Great Ceasar's Ghost!

At 9:11 AM, Blogger James Wigderson said...

Shouldn't he be Russell? As in, the Junior Senator from Wisconsin, Russell Feingold, moved to the paranoid fringe of his party with his call to "censure" the President of the United States.

At 11:05 AM, Blogger Other Side said...

No, actually, it's Russell Feingold, junior senator from Wisconsin, whose bold initiative had conservatives braying in unison.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger XOut said...

We may be braying, but the dems went running.

At 6:21 PM, Blogger Other Side said...

Xout doesn't even realize he put himself down. The dimmer switch must be on.


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