Sunday, March 12, 2006

Jensen Backlash Hits Gard

So now it's State Rep. John Gard, (R-Peshtigo), Assembly Speaker and candidate for US Congress, who finds himself coping with the political blowback from Scott Jensen's political corruption convictions.

The two are long-time allies: Jensen was involved in Gard's initial, 1987 win in a special election, even campaigning in Gard's rural northeastern district from the back of a pickup truck.

Gard later followed Jensen into the Speaker's chair after Jensen was charged in the capital corruption scandal, and when Jensen stepped down as Speaker, Gard compensated him with key committee appointments, including a seat on the all-powerful and prestigious Committee on Joint Finance that Jensen still holds.

Now Gard has to decide whether to remove Jensen in the wake of the criminal convictions.

You'd think the resulting headline and decision - - "Gard Removes Convicted Felon From Top Legislative Committee" - - would be a no-brainer, but Gard is hesitating, putting himself in the center of the story.

Talk about a self-inflicted wound.

Jensen could do for Gard and the GOP what Harriet Miers and the Dubai World Ports did for Bush when the President found himself with self-generated political heat - - step aside and make things easier for the Boss or the party.

But Jensen's ill-advised decision to contest the charges and thereby revealing years of dirty GOP linen and inner-workings of an illegal campaign machine suggests his days as team player are behind him.

Jensen could use a resignation from Joint Finance, or a complete departure from the legislature, as a strategic signal of contrition to the judge prior to sentencing, but don't hold your breath.

The longer Jensen stays on Joint Finance, the more the focus remains on Gard.

Heck of a way to campaign for Congress, where ethics issues have also risen to the top.


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