Monday, May 15, 2006

Legislature should quit, minimize damage

They say your life and property are never safe while the legislature is in session. Here's one legislator who agrees.

State Rep. Mark Pocan says:
The only thing we do know is that the sooner the legislature rests completely, the less damage that can occur. After a session of attempts at banning birth control, allowing pharmacists to refuse to fill prescriptions, allowing hidden guns, banning stem cell research and letting eight-year-olds hunt, we certainly can only do better by not working.

If we actually did our jobs, the agendas this week would be slated with the Ethics Reform Bill (SB-1), health care proposals and other bills that actually help people.

Instead, this continually dysfunctional legislature can only pass politically-charge legislation with the intent to influence the fall elections. In other words, the legislative goal of the GOP majority is to get re-elected so that we can pass more bills that get us re-elected, rather than bills that actually help Wisconsin's working families.

Hasn't the public had enough yet?
UPDATE: State Rep. Jennifer Shilling says the 100th state rep, a guy named Tom Foolery, makes everyone look bad.


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