Friday, May 19, 2006

NRA by the numbers

While the daily newspaper falls all over itself to be "fair" and welcoming to the National Rifle Association convention in Milwaukee, even offering President Wayne LaPierre an op ed column, the Shepherd Express greets NRA attendees with a cover story asking whether the NRA really represents gun owners.

It ends with a few statistics:

NRA by the Numbers

4,000,000: Approximate number of current NRA members
32%: Approximate percentage of NRA members eligible to vote for the board
3.2%: Approximate percentage of NRA members who actually vote
68%: Percentage of Americans who support extending the federal assault weapons ban
57%: Percentage of gun owners who support the ban
32%: Percentage of NRA members who support the ban
$3,140,346: Amount of NRA’s disclosed campaign spending in 2000
$20,000,000: Estimated amount of NRA’s undisclosed campaign spending on issues ads, etc., in 2000
12%: Percent of the NRA’s annual budget spent on the 2000 elections
$892,166: Minimum amount earned through salary and benefits by NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre in 2005.
$35: Annual membership fee to join the NRA
25,490: The number of members it takes just to pay LaPierre’s 2005 earnings.


At 2:59 PM, Blogger Other Side said...

Why? The Shepherd Express has never hidden it's agenda. There's no reason for them to do so.

On the other Faux News might want to consider dropping the "fair and balanced" moniker because, you know, it's a lie.

At 3:19 PM, Blogger David Casper said...

Lemme guess, Bill, your mother never let you have that Red Rider when you were a kid...

At 5:09 PM, Blogger xoff said...

No, but I had an M14 for 3 years.

At 10:14 PM, Blogger Chris said...

doesnt count if you dont own it Bill but that ok I am making up for you with my share.

actually Bill I believe my 5 year old owns more guns then you ;) But my guess is he owns more then most libs.

Check my sight in a few days and I will have pics of the new spear I bought in San Fran ;)


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