Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Off to a bad start

Ex-weatherman Jim Ott is now an Assembly candidate, and as a political novice starts his campaign with a rookie mistake: No disclaimer on his website, as required by state law.

More errors predicted in the long-range campaign forecast.


At 11:04 AM, Blogger Dad29 said...

One hopes that Jim Ott survives the campaign with a cheery countenance.

He's a good guy, albeit not a real red-meat conservative.

At 10:54 PM, Blogger XOut said...

Ott is still one step ahead of his predecessor (Gielow)… Ott, to the best of our knowledge, hasn’t bought into the idea of having Wisconsin jump into socialized medicine.

I still see thunderstorms in Ott’s forecast though - especially without that hugely important protection against corruption… the disclaimer.

Christofferson can produce independent ads that are filled with false innuendo, but without losing a beat, he pulls out the whistle and calls in the brown-shirts over the lack of a disclaimer.

Even better, phonies like Billie-boy and Mark Pocan drone on about how we need SB-1 to prevent lies and corruption… and they do it by promoting lies and corporate expenditures that nobody has to report.

Nice work girls…. I see an organized frontal system consisting of a right-leaning air mass that will stabilize this fall, as the chilling left front drifts off into the upper atmosphere as a harmless system of cyclonic vapor.

Oh, how far the mighty have fallen. From campaign manager to zero, Christofferson can only kick at the wind and wonder why he has no real part to play.

At 11:24 PM, Blogger XOut said...

Christoff... not even a word of comment?

Really? How sad.

You are losing your punch old man.

Collect a paycheck from the man and then sit silently. You are not the ideologue you used to be. Now you are just a guy wishing you could have had a county pension too.


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