Thursday, June 29, 2006

Turnabout is fair play on ethics

WisPolitics reports that one of the staunchest Republican supporters of SB 1, an ethics reform bill, State Rep. Steve Freese, had this to say today:
Freese said Doyle is disingenuous in his calls for a special session. "If you're truly were a reformer, why wouldn't you call for a special session and put the Republican legislators on the spot, and use the power of the governor's office to help get it passed?"
Here's the deal, Lucille.

The Republicans, who control both houses, have the power to call the legislature into session themselves. It's called an extraordinary session; if the gov calls it, it would be a special session. But the effect would be the same: To call the legislators to the Capitol to act on a specific bill.

So, to turn Freese's statement back at him, if the Republicans really were reformers and want to pass ethics reform, why don't they call an extradordinary session, pass something and put Doyle on the spot?

And why doesn't their fearless leader, Mark Green, ask them to do that?

UPDATE: The Playground Supervisor has some advice for the gov on how to "create a perfect Republican storm."


At 9:44 AM, Blogger xoff said...

If the GOP is so eager to talk about Doyle's ethics, why don't they call the session?

Are they afraid Dems will talk about Green's connections to the caucus scandal, Tom DeLay, Jack Abramoff, his $800,000 in special interest contributions, or what?


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