Monday, July 17, 2006

English isn't good enough for you? Hum? Hum?

K. Carpenter, who describes herself as a concerned Christian citizen from Kenosha, inspired to blog by "Jessica Bucher,"defends Rep. Paul Ryan for voting against bilingual ballots. This is America, and we like English just fine, is the gist of her argument. Then there's this interesting question, to which I've added a few bracketed comments for clarity:
By the way, as a side note- a friend of mine(you people know her as "Republican Teacher" on this blog) asked me an interesting question today when we were discussing this. She asked how it is possible to accurately translate the referendums or constitutional amendments onto a bilingual ballot? [Since this is not a question, a period would be good.]

We all know how difficult some of the referendums and amendments can be to understand for folks who think they have mastered the English language. Yikes. How is it possible to translate these verbatim into another language.[A question mark would fit well here.]

We know that English is it's [or its] own unique language and does not translate exactly to any other language in the world.

We have also seen knock down drag outs [how do you translate knock down drag outs, since that is not even English?] in the legislature over one single word or a phrase that goes into a [an would be preferred here] amendment.

How are these being translated exactly the way the legislature wrote them? Hum? [Hum????] That's a good question. I don't know. I'll look into it and see if I can find an answer. If anyone else can shed some light- that would be great.


At 5:57 AM, Blogger Jay Bullock said...

Further evidence that I will always have a job . . .

At 6:58 AM, Blogger xoff said...

She's not the teacher. Her friend who asked the question is.


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