Saturday, September 23, 2006

Scandal vs. sanction

The Georgia Thompson case is now officially a scandal, according to today's page one headline.

And the State Elections Board's finding that Congressman Mark Green has illegally transferred $467,000 in special interest money, and the board's order to return the money? For the last two days, that has been described as a "sanction," here and here.

Do you think the headline writers are conscious of how their work will look in campaign television commercials, or is that just an accident?

I'm trying hard not to be a conspiracy theorist, but it gets harder every day.

UPDATE: The final piece of evidence that the Journal Sentinel new pages have leaned heavily Greenward: McBride defends the newspaper. I rest my case.


At 8:55 AM, Blogger xoff said...

That conduct is clearly unacceptable. I don't condone it.
But here's the thing:

A bureaucrat six levels away from the governor, hired by Scott McCallum, has been convicted of a crime.

There has not been a shred of evidence that Doyle or any higher-ups in his administration were involved.

Does that justify the Republican commercials calling the governor a crook?

I think not.


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