Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Bill Clinton coming for free Milwaukee rally

Bill Clinton's coming to Milwaukee on Friday, and you can forget the $500 ticket. It won't even cost you 5 bucks. Details:
Bill Clinton to Rally Voters in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE - President Bill Clinton will rally voters to elect Democrats at a public event on Friday, November 3 in downtown Milwaukee. The rally will be held at the Milwaukee Theatre at 500 W. Kilbourn Ave. Doors open at 2 p.m.

Governor Jim Doyle, Senator Herb Kohl, Congresswoman Gwen Moore, Lt. Governor Barbara Lawton, Attorney General Candidate Kathleen Falk, and other Democratic candidates will all be there.

Call 1-877-646-2006 or click this link to RSVP.
Note that it does not say what time he's coming. Plan to be there awhile.


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Too Much Coffee said...

gwc shadow, your ignorance of wisconsin history is appalling. Just off the top of my head here is a guy that, if you adjust for inflation, makes recent Wisconsin politicians look like pikers.


Your ignorance of US history sucks too. Clinton was a dirtbag, but after millions of dollars worth of investigation there was no conclusive evidence that he was a corrupt dirtbag. I think he easily trails a number of presidents, including this Republican:


Let's not go too over the top, shall we?

At 1:25 PM, Blogger Other Side said...

Oh goody ... gwc is back with his twisted syntax and verve for hyperbole. Please keep writing, gwc, you are our main provider of of laughs and stress relief.

At 10:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow - Clinton's stock really has gone down. He can't even get $5 a plate for a dinner...


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