Sunday, October 01, 2006

The unknown candidate unmasked

I have been remiss with an update to my post from the morning after the primary, when i said:
Invisible race. Who even knew there was a GOP primary for lieutenant governor? Nick Voegeli, whoever he is, got 44% of the vote against Jean Hundertmark, the anointed candidate.
The real Nick Voegeli stood up and identified himself as a retired Naval intelligence officer who's since been a consultant, certified public accountant and financial manager.

He's a Sun Prairie alderman and deputy state treasurer, a Marquette graduate with a Masters from UW-Madison, married and the father of five with a sixth on the way and an adopted seventh expected soon, too.

Voegeli says he was pleasantly surprised by how well he did, running against the party establishment's choice.

He says he spent $1,287.13. And he got 91,000 votes.

Since he and John Gard have the same hometown, maybe if things don't work out for GardPants in the Congressional race, Voegeli can run in 2008. The 8th District GOP likes Sun Prairie candidates.


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