Monday, November 06, 2006

WISN-AM: Standing up for the elephants

I know there's no Fairness Doctrine for radio any more, but doesn't this corporate-sponsored billboard seem a little over the top?

It's not about right wing vs. left wing or liberals vs. conservatives. It is totally partisan. (In case you can't tell, that's a donkey getting its ass kicked by the elephant.)

Questions: Is this legal? (Probably.) Why would you want to discourage anyone, even stupid Democrats, from listening to your station? And why would I ever want to buy advertising on WISN-AM again?

I've frequently been tough on WTMJ-AM and have said little or nothing about WISN-AM simply because I haven't listened to their "star," Mark Belling, for at least 10 years.

Can't wait for next week's billboard: Probably white people stepping on blacks, followed by one with whites stepping on Latino immigrants. Nothing wrong with taking sides, is there?

They call it Standing Up for Milwaukee.

What do you call it?


At 9:11 AM, Blogger Michael J. Mathias said...

It may be legal, but it's honest. Shilling for the GOP is what talk programming for WISN and WTMJ.

Shouldn't the State GOP have to declare the cost of th billboards as an in-kind donation?

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Michael J. Mathias said...

Of course I meant to say, "Shilling for the GOP is what talk programming for WISN and WTMJ is."

At 9:39 AM, Blogger whatsleftwi said...

I hope this might be doing more damage to the Repubs than the Dems. If you drive by this thing, it's hard to even seen the donkey. So all you come away with is "Don't be stupid" and an image of the Republican Party.

At 10:51 AM, Blogger krshorewood said...

Claiming the Journal is "liberal" is supremely idiotic. If you have eyes you can see the explosive coverage given to every Doyle accusation and if you can count you can add up all the column inches devoted to anti-Doyle versus anti-Green stories.

It's just this kind of abuse and the free advertising given to the GOP that shows the fairness doctrine needs to be reinstated.

By the way, this billboard is almost as bad as the one from a few years back that ran on the north side of the Menomonee River Valley on Sixth Street that showed Mark Belling "standing up for Milwaukee" and it looked like he was staring at you from the opposite side of a urinal.

At 1:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If you have eyes you can see the explosive coverage given to every Doyle accusation and if you can count you can add up all the column inches devoted to anti-Doyle versus anti-Green stories."

And yet, they endorsed Doyle.


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