Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Frist knuckles under

How badly does Bill Frist want to be president?

Enough to kowtow to the evangelical fringe that has more influence than it deserves in Republican Party politics.

Frist looked reasonable when he tried to get some distance from Tom DeLay on the issue of purging judges who don't take direction from Congress.

That was a shift from his days of diagnosing Terri Schiavo via videotape -- something the Doctor/Senator learned to do in the Capitol, not in medical school.

But now he's caved in and will be featured with Christian conservatives in a videotape that says Democrats are blocking Bush presidential nominees because the Dems are "against people of faith."

And it is looking more and more like he will resort to the so-called "nuclear option" to try to change the rules on how judicial appointments are confirmed, banning filibusters and letting a slim majority run roughshod over opponents.

You may not have to be born again to get the GOP nomination, but you do have to sell your soul.



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