A contest: What's TABOR stand for?
We've been thinking for awhile about what TABOR really stands for, and have decided it should be open to audience participation.
The Goppers, of course, claim it's "Taxpayer Bill of Rights." (Hmm, where's the A in that? How did we let them get away with an acronym that doesn't even follow any logical system?)
There must be something more suitable, that uses all five letters. In fact, let's make that a rule -- if you have an idea, it has to have five words, one for each letter. (Well, OK, we won't be rigid, but using all 5 gets you extra credit.)
Glenn Stoddard just came up with Taking Away Benefits, Opportunities and Rights. He even offers an explanation.
Bob Allen at AFSCME had proposed Tax Avoiders Blocking Overdue Reform. (Another five-word entry.)
Rich Eggleston of the Wisconsin Alliance of Cities says he bought a button on State Street defining it as Taxpayers Bitten On the Rump.
I've been stumped. Talking A Bunch Of Rhetoric? That's good for fourth place right now, but only because we only have four entries. Taxpayers Avoiding Bearing Our Responsibilities? Tightwad Assholes Behind Obscene Ripoffs? (OK, those need some work.)
Your turn. E-mail to XoffFiles@gmail.com. Winner doesn't have to pay any taxes ever again.
TABOR, by the way, has spawned two competing blogs.
For your edification, in case you want to hear both sides or, like most of us, just read the one you agree with:
Pro-TABOR blog by Rep. Frank Lasee, the sponsor.
Anti-TABOR blog by Rich Eggleston of Wisconsin Alliance of Cities
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