Whad'ya know: No ballot box stuffing
This story will disappoint a lot of conspiracy theorists, but Kevin Kennedy, executive director of the State Elections Board, tells the Wisconsin State Journal that "there may be several innocent explanations for why the number of votes cast in Milwaukee in November exceeded the number of people recorded as having voted - a figure many are citing as evidence, if not proof, of widespread election fraud."
Moreover, Kennedy said, fraud on the scale suspected in Milwaukee defies logic because it ignores how elections are conducted in Wisconsin. The only way that many phony ballots could enter the system would be through a broad conspiracy involving poll workers at dozens of wards, he said.
"You're going to have to be someone in the system . . . because you have to have access to the ballots and have the ability to get the ballots into the ballot box or counting device without attracting attention," Kennedy said Thursday.
The whole story by Phil Brinkman.
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