Thursday, May 19, 2005

Gard, GOP, God and gays

What a volatile mixture. Put them all together, stir a little, and something noxious and toxic will result.

On a party-line vote, as usual, Speaker John Gard and other Republicans in the legislative leadership have asked the Alliance Defense Fund, a born-again non-profit law firm, to represent the legislature and try to prevent the state from granting any health benefits to domestic partners of state workers.

State Rep. Jon Richards hit the nail on the head.

"The Alliance Defense Fund - They are on the front lines of the cultural wars around the country," Richards said. "I'm very uncomfortable with us hiring a law firm that is essentially promoting an American theocracy."

Glen Lavy, senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, is an ex-Milwaukeean. He said the fund, founded in 1993 by a group of ministers and supported by private donations, represents "mainstream" American opinions. That includes a lawsuit against Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich in defense of a pharmacist who refused to fill a birth control prescription, and leading the challenge against San Francisco's same-sex unions. Story Jay Bullock at Folkbum has a longer bill of particulars detailing their record.

Wisconsin people have always thought our values are pretty mainstream. Every day, in every way, Wisconsin Republicans are moving farther out of the mainstream and aligning themselves with the radical fringe. That may win a battle here and there, but in the long run it will lose the war.


At 1:05 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

Ya real mainstream, if you consider the unabomber mainstream.


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