Questions as POTUS comes to MKE
Points to ponder when the President of the United States, fondly known as POTUS, comes to Milwaukee on Thursday to talk about Social Security deform:
Will Air Force One be landing at the 440th Airlift Wing at Mitchell Field, which his Defense Department wants to close?
When he steps off the plane, will he address the 250 civilians who will lose their jobs? (Oh, that's right, he'll be talking to the young professionals who belong to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Assn. of Commerce. Well, same difference, right?)
When Milwaukee County Exec and governor wannabe Scott Walker greets POTUS on the tarmac, will he ask him about the 440th? Walker was quick with a press release the day the closings were announced, pledging to "fight for the 440th."
Will the other governor wannabe, Congressman Mark Green, even show up? Or will he have one of those "schedule conflicts" that kept Rep. Mark Green away from the Tom DeLay dinner last week? Green has managed to avoid holding or attending any meetings on Social Security in his own district, but can he avoid showing up when POTUS speaks on the issue?
And finally: Do you think we can get POTUS to wear a cheesehead?
Xoff, you should check into the whole "Young Professionals" thing. I'm a member of that group, and didn't get an invitation. So when they say he spoke to the Young Professionals, they clearly picked and chose who they invited. Did they do that in concert with the Republican party? If so, was MMAC/YPM making an illegal contribution to the Republican Party of Wisconsin? I hope my dues for YPM (50 bucks a year) aren't illegally being used by that 501 c(3) organization. Worth some digging.
You should also check into the incredibly unethical conduct of Fox News in their report on the President's visit on Tuesday night. They interviewed two people, Tim Sheehy, representing MMAC, and Andrea Sitzberg, a "business membership manager" who represented a younger person who cares about Social Security. What they didn't tell you is that Andrea Sitzberg is membership manager for YPM, and is a paid staffer at MMAC! They just pretended she was some anonymous random young professional, instead of someone who would risk losing her job if she publicly disagreed with Sheehy. So Fox didn't even have to go to two different locations, they just interviewed Tim & Andrea in different rooms. Not only lazy journalism, but totally unethical to not report the true identity of the supposed "random" young person who is so worried about Social Security supposedly not being there for her.
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