Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Lutherans oppose anti-gay amendment

The Wisconsin State Journal (and I think no one else) reports:

"Meanwhile, a group of mainline Wisconsin Lutherans voted this month to oppose a state constitutional amendment that would ban marriage and civil unions among gays and lesbians.
"But it's not because the 110,000 members of the South Central Wisconsin Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America favor gay marriage, Bishop George Carlson of Mount Horeb said Monday.

"It's because the amendment would also refuse to legally recognize unions similar to marriage. That goes too far in curbing human rights, Carlson said.

"The significance of the vote is that we want to be a church that wants people treated with justice and fairness, and we don't want our constitution to limit human rights," Carlson said.

I may have to target my religion-bashing a little more carefully in the future.


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