Friday, May 20, 2005

Petri could be key stem cell vote

A bill to allow federal money to be used for embryonic stem cell research has attracted more than 200 House sponsors, is dividing House Republicans, and stands a good chance of passage next week. Those are all good things.

The Wisconsin delegation appears to be predictably split down the middle, along party lines. But there could be one Republican among those who break ranks with the White House.

That would be Rep. Tom Petri, a reasonable Republican who is a member of the Republican Main Street Partnership, which says its purpose is "to promote thoughtful leadership in the Republican Party, and to partner with individuals, organizations and institutions that share centrist values." They say GOP stands for Grow Our Party by broadening its base. Steve Gunderson, a former moderate Wisconsin Republican member of Congress, was among the group's founders.

Rep. Mike Castle, a Delaware Republican, is president of the Main Street Partnership and the sponsor of the stem cell bill.

The organization is running a television commercial in Washington, and has also done print ads and polling on the issue. See the ad and more information on their website.

The bill has 202 sponsors now, with 218 votes needed for passage. Lobbying is intense. AP story

Petri has not announced his position, and when I called his office Friday a staffer said they would have to ask the Congressman whether he had anything to say publicly. If I hear from him, you will be the first to know.

Petri is the only one in doubt. The four Dems -- Obey, Kind, Moore and Baldwin -- all are co-sponsors of the bill. Repubs Green, Sensenbrenner, and Ryan all dance to Tom DeLay's tune and will toe the right-wing, anti-choice, evangelical line.

That leaves Petri, a thoughtful person who's been known to resist party pressure and vote independently on occasion.

Maybe this will be one of those times.

UPDATE: Bush threatens to veto the bill if it gets to his desk. It would be the first veto of his presidency. CNN story.


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