Friday, June 10, 2005

Lautenschlager spin control falls short

Spivak and Bice write today about the coming departure of two key staffers to AG Peg Lautenschlager, first reported here on Thursday.

There's a lot of spin offered by Lautenschlager's team, most of it unsuccessfully. It's hard to make a believable case when, as S&B reveal, late Wednesday afternoon the AG's people had denied that anyone was leaving.

Late Thursday afternoon, her office announced staff changes in a press release.

I'm tagged by the Spice Boys as taking my cue from the governor on this. I guess once you work for Doyle you are permanently incapable of any independent thought. He apparently exercises some kind of mind control.

But I don't need Doyle to tell me Lautenschlager's campaign is in deep trouble, or how disastrous it would be to lose the AG's office. That, believe it or not, is what motivates me to keep pushing on this issue. As Tommy Thompson found out, having an AG of the opposite party across the hall can make life very difficult. The fact that the GOP is running the legislature makes it worse. And, contrary to the Cap Times' line, AG is a partisan office. I want the Democrats to keep it.


At 7:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are an awful, horrible, right-wing Doyle flack. I will vote against any candidate you support in any Dem primary. If people knew who you were in Oshkosh, they would shun you.

At 9:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What ever happened to the days when two Democrats could disagree without it turning into personal attacks?

Christofferson has helped elect a lot of good Democrats over the years. You might not like Doyle, but that doesn't make him or Bill a right-winger.

This kind of viciousness won't help anybody but the Republicans.


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