Monday, July 18, 2005

Bucher gets a slap from hometown paper

Waukesha County DA Paul Bucher, an attorney general wannabe, got some pretty sharp criticism in an editorial from his hometown Waukesha Freeman. The paper, for whom rabid right-wing talker Mark Belling is a columnist, is not part of the vast liberal media conspiracy.

The issue is open meetings, and whether a governmental body can break the open meetings law by discussing things by e-mail. Here's the editorial.

Open government is one of those Wisconsin traditions that registers well with voters, even if the recent state budget was written in secret. It's a bad issue to be on the wrong side of, and you can expect Bucher's opponents to make some hay with it.


At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bucher made the right call. Now that the AG has also punted, it is even more clear that Bucher made the right call on this issue. There was no open meeting violation and the Freeman has behaved in a very irresponsible manner on this topic. People are suppose to be innocent until proven guilty. In this case, the Freeman (with no legal expertise) assumes guilt first. They should be ashamed for attacking Bucher who gains respect for not bowing to media pressure and falsely prosecute or accuse people.

The AG has virtually concurred with Bucher's position by refusing to rule on the issue. This is the rest of the story that you leave out in your comments.

At 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stand by your man, Jessica

At 1:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jessica would leave her name.

These people were falsely accused. Bucher did the right thing for taxpayers by not cooperating with the harrassment of the Waukesha School District by a bunch of far right Libertarians.

Bucher deserves our respect because he is willing to stand up and do the right thing even if it means the wrath of the over-the-top CRG/WTL. These far right wackos will destroy the Republican Party if someone does not stand up to them. Paul Bucher stood up to CRG because the law always come first with Paul Bucher.

This is not Jessica. Just someone who is proud of Bucher for saying NO when there is no crime.


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