Fun and games at Club Gitmo

Guantanamo Bay detainees play soccer,
eat well: US senator
WASHINGTON (AFP) - Inmates from the US-led war on terror held at the prison camp at the US naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba are well treated, play outdoor sports, and have access to a broad Muslim-approved menu, a US senator who traveled to the site said.
US Senator Pat Roberts, a conservative Republican from Kansas, said on "Fox News Sunday" that he just returned from visiting the Guantanamo detention site.
"They have a Muslim menu down there of 113 dishes," said Roberts, chairman of the US Senate Intelligence Committee.
"I saw them playing soccer. I saw them playing ping-pong. I saw them playing ... I think it was volleyball," he said.
US camp guards "strictly observe with reverence all of the prayer calls, five times a day, 20 minutes," he said.
"And in regards to the health care, my word, they have better health care than many of my small communities in Kansas."
The Guantanamo detention site has been the focus of worldwide controversy following allegations that US forces have abused detainees. Leading members of the opposition Democratic Party want the site closed down.
"And in regards to the health care, my word, they have better health care than many of my small communities in Kansas."
I bet the Senator is working hard for health care in Kansas...right!
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