Friday, July 22, 2005

"Karl Rove, without the baggage"

Pinch me, I'm dreaming. Aren't I?

A proposed new reality show, looking for the next James Carville or Karl Rove, would match upcoming political consultants, left and right, and the competition would include having them run negative campaigns against each other, the Washington Post reports.

The winner gets to spend $1-million on a candidate or cause in 2006.

"We're trying to find Karl Rove, without all the baggage," said series co-creator Ken Smukler.

Well, look no farther. He's right here in Milwaukee, and his name is Jim Villa.

When Scott Walker announced that Villa, his political consultant, was moving into the county exec's office to be his chief of staff, consultant T. Bob Murphy offered this assessment to the Journal Sentinel:

"He's sort of like the Karl Rove of Milwaukee, without the baggage."

Questions: Do you think that description has already entered the realm of cliche?

Will Villa compete on the reality show? Walker could certainly use the money.


At 7:14 AM, Blogger nosefornews said...

Hey, "Not Ready For Prime Time" Scottie ought to hire Bob Vila not Jim Villa. The foundation of his campaign is so shaky it would take a master of "Home Improvement" to keep it from falling down on his sorry (though weirdly parted) hair.


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