Thursday, July 28, 2005

Taking it to Frist where it hurts

StemPAC, a new political action committee working to promote stem cell research, has its sights on Sen. Bill Frist, the Republican majority leader, who is stalling on scheduling a bill to expand stem cell research.
Click here to see the ad.

The bill passed the House with quite a bit of GOP support, and there are more than enough Senate supporters to pass it -- if it ever comes to a vote. President Bush has promised to veto it, and Frist is working frantically to keep it from ever reaching Bush's desk.

In hopes of getting Frist's attention, and maybe even getting him out of the way of a vote, StemPAC has begun running a television commercial -- not in Frist's home state of Tennessee, but in New Hampshire. That, of course, is where the presidential sweepstakes begin, and Frist would like to be president. Not a bad strategy. If it doesn't move Frist, maybe it will move some public opinion away from him. And that could get his attention.


At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good news from D. C. this morning. Sen. Frist has flip-floppped and now SUPPORTS the house-passed stem cell bill. This may be the precursor to the President deciding to sign the bill. Stay tuned. This also makes it harder for the wing-nuts here in Wisconsin to push their nutty criminalization bill.


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