Tide rolls in on Rove

The tide is rolling in on Karl Rove.
Monday's White House press briefing was the worst Bush spinmeister Scott McClellan has endured.
Dana Milbank of the Washington Post reports:
"The 32-minute pummeling was perhaps the worst McClellan received since he got the job two years ago. His eyes were red and tired. He wiggled his foot nervously behind the lectern and robotically refused to answer no fewer than 35 questions about Rove and the outing of the CIA's Valerie Plame. Twenty-two times McClellan repeated that an 'ongoing' investigation prevented him from explaining the gap between his past statements and the facts."Howard Kurtz has much more in his Media Notes column in the Post. And Wonkette has a devastating review of McClellan's performance.
Past White House briefings on the CIA leak are in today's NY Times, offering a chance to compare what the White House said then versus Monday's briefing.
Rep. Louise Slaughter of New York wants Rove fired and has started an online pink slip drive. Sen.John Kerry is collecting signatures on a letter to the President making the same request.
Not to be outdone, MoveOn has a petition, too.
And here's a brand new blog,Fire Him Now.
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