Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Pro-Life Wisconsin sets new standards

for extremism in attack on Marine's family

Sometimes, I admit, we get a little quick to label conservatives as extremists. It's an easy way to be dismissive. (Actually, I prefer the term wingnuts, like the conservatives like to call liberals moonbats, whatever they are.)

But Pro-Life Wisconsin has taken extremism to extremes, attacking the family and medical providers of a Marine who was seriously wounded in Iraq. When his doctors determined he would not recover, his family honored his wishes, outlined in a health-care power of attorney, and removed his feeding tube. Pro-Life Wisconsin complained to the news media, and issued a press release accusing Hospice Care of murder.

Susan Lampert-Smith says it better than I could in her Wisconsin State Journal column. The publicity-seeking pro-lifers have disgraced themselves.

Pro-Life Wisconsin bills itself as "Your 100% pro-life voice."

That means, for example, opposing abortion in every case, period. No exceptions, even for rape, incest or to save a woman's life. A teenage girl, raped by a relative, whose life is endangered by the pregnancy, would be forced to give birth, and perhaps die, if Pro-Life Wisconsin were writing the laws. Fortunately they're not -- yet. But they have growing influence in the Wisconsin legislature.

They represent hard-line, doctrinaire extremism at its worst.

Pro-Life Wisconsin has backed down from its charge that HospiceCare was guilty of murder, but refuses to apologize. The Capital Times has the story.


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