Wednesday, September 21, 2005

What's wrong with Repubs on hate crimes?

Eye on Wisconsin asks whether Wisconsin's Republican members of the House of Representatives are homophobic, since they all voted against an amendment to expand the federal hate crimes law to include sexual orientation.

The amendment passed with 30 Republicans joining Democrats to form a majority, but all four Wisconsin Republicans -- Mark Green, F. Gays Sensenbrenner, Tom Petri, and Paul Ryan -- voted no. All four Wisconsin Dems -- Tammy Baldwin, Gwen Moore, Ron Kind and Dave Obey -- voted for the amendment.

The thing is, the amendment wasn't just about gays. It also added disabilities and gender to the list of hate crimes. So if you target someone because he's disabled, or because she's a woman, you're subject to the extra penalties, too. AP story.

So it's not fair to say the Rs are homophobic. They just don't like anybody very much.


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