Thursday, October 20, 2005

Milwaukee wi-fi deal too good to be true?

Is the proposal to make Milwaukee totally wi-fi, at no cost to the taxpayers, too good to be true?

Bruce Murphy of Milwaukee Magazine says in an online column he thinks that might be the case. Murphy says:

Yes, it would be great if Milwaukee becomes the first big metro area with city-wide WI-FI or wireless fidelity. But why is the city selling this hugely important franchise to the first bidder, much less on what is essentially a no-bid contract to a company that hasn’t even bothered to register as a lobbyist?

I had expected opposition from the right wing, seeing wi-fi, like public transportation, as some kind of pinko plot. But the deal's trappings of free enterprise, and better yet a monopoly, seem to have more appeal for them.


At 7:30 AM, Blogger James Wigderson said...

Actually, Belling on WISN has been all over this, as has some conservative bloggers.


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