Taking the pledge on Iraq

From an editorial in The Nation, titled, Democrats and the War:
The Nation therefore takes the following stand: We will not support any candidate for national office who does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq a major issue of his or her campaign. We urge all voters to join us in adopting this position. Many worry that the aftermath of withdrawal will be ugly, but we can now see that the consequences of staying will be uglier still. Fear of facing the consequences of Bush's disaster should not be permitted to excuse the creation of a worse disaster by continuing the occupation.I signed the pledge from Democracy for America a month ago. You can do it here. Hat tip: Sadie Says.
What about a speedy withdrawal from conquered Germany???
Or the Balkans?
Hell, X., EVERYONE wants to get the hell out of Iraq quickly, including thinking Conservatives.
Surely there's a less rational position the Nation can formulate...
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