Monday, February 27, 2006

Gard promised legislature would back deal

As the school choice deal teeters on the brink of losing in the legislature, the right-wing is lining up to blame -- who else? -- Gov. Jim Doyle, saying he didn't like the deal to begin with.

A reminder. When the deal was agreed upon and announced at a news conference, here's what Speaker John Gard had to say:
It's not an agreement between (just him) and I," Gard said. "It's going to pass the Legislature without a doubt."
Not between just Doyle and Gard, but between Doyle and the legislature. Gard, with big majorities in both houses, had no doubt he was speaking for the legislature. It's on him to deliver.


At 10:05 AM, Blogger grumps said...

The GOP seems to be unraveling as we watch.


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