Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Republicans using negative voter 'ID' calls

It's hard to know how to categorize the call a friend reported getting today.

The automated call asks (in words close to these):
"If you're tired of Governor Doyle's corruption in office and ethics problems, would like to see new, fresh leadership in Madison and want to elect a new governor, press 1.

"If you support Governor Doyle and will vote to reelect him, press 2."
Curious, my Democratic friend pressed 1 to see what else the caller might have to say.

All it said was: "Paid for by the Republican Party of Wisconsin. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee."

If this is a voter ID call to find people who don't like Doyle, it's going to produce some bad data. Many people, like my friend, will certainly press 1 to see what happens -- and will end up on some Republican list for further contact, no doubt.

Or maybe it's not a voter ID project at all. Maybe it's a push poll, to tell voters Doyle is an unethical crook.

Auto calls are cheap these days, but it still sounds like a colossal waste of money.


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