Sunday, March 12, 2006

"Standing up for what's right"

Almost 24 hrs since the Scooter Jensen conviction came in and still not a peep from the right-wingnut blogosphere.

Charlie Sykes, self proclaimed "champion of the Wisconsin Blogosphere" who "stands up for what's right" can't seem to figure out how to defend the indefensible and now convicted Jensen for fleecing taxpayers. Of course, the expected spin will go something like, "everyone did it" and "it wasn't pay to play." Sykes doesn't seem to have a problem with Jensen and the Assemby GOP fleecing of taxpayers, so the next time he talks about protecting taxpayers keep in mind that when he was given the chance to stand up for taxpayers and personal responsibility, Sykes chose to stand with Jumpsuit Jensen.

Not a word from McBride who is never short on the blabbing. Perhaps she is waiting for her marching orders from "champion." Look for a "I'm a mother, candidate wife, busy state bureaucrat," excuse for her silence.

And only silence from Fraley, Jordhal, McIlheran and just about the entire lot of the Sykes blog roll.

I did find this however.

"My thoughts and prayers go out to Scott Jensen and his family." - Kevin at Lakeshore Laments.

"Aw, shoot." -Wendy at Boots and Sabers.

"The political witch hunt that was the Scott Jensen trial is over."-Badger Blogger .

At Badger Blogger they proclaim "Covering Wisconsin the way the media won't. Covering the media, the way they fear!" Seems to me that they won't cover this because they are afraid.

The choice is clear, taxpayers or Jensen and the right has chosen Jensen. What's so right about that?


At 12:10 PM, Blogger Chris said...

great your back well guess I can quit reading Xoff till after the 20th what a waste of bandwidth

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Tanker311 said...

Hey Harris,

Welcome back! So, what should we hope for this time? More tasteful musings about the bedrooms of conservatives? More name calling and baseless, accusatory attacks?

I can't wait!

You'd think Xoff would have learned his lesson the first time.

Looking forward to the mess you make while Bill's gone!

At 4:34 PM, Blogger Jay Bullock said...

Someone more enterprising than myself should keep a running tally of conservative bloggers: How many say justice was done to Jensen vs. how many call for Feingold's head after demanding censure.

That will be an interesting project.

At 5:59 PM, Blogger Other Side said...

Chris is so amusing.

Anyway, today was a day of justice in Wisconsin. Today it was finally determined that the "everybody did it" defense doesn't cut it. It's deplorable that Sykes has the audacity to blame the jury.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Sean Hackbarth said...

Harris, if you're going to quote webloggers at least have the courtesy to link to their remarks. It helps the webloggers and your readers.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Tanker311 said...

Hey Harris,

Obviously you're not a frequent reader of my blog. That's alright I won't fault you for that.

What I will fault you for is your ignorance. If you took the time to investigate the person you are attacking (me, in this case) you'd see that my blog currently has a debate going on in which I am against the recent ruling in South Dakota and in favor of gay marriage.

Get a clue.

So, actually, you just proved my point. A baseless and accusatory attack on me! Fantastic! I knew you wouldn't disappoint!


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