Saturday, May 20, 2006

'Dump Doyle' says NRA -- for 5th time

"Dump Doyle" is the rallying cry of the National Rifle Assn. convention in Milwaukee this weekend, the local daily reports.

This isn't exactly a new development.

The NRA has had Jim Doyle "in its sights," as reporters like to write, since the first time he ran for attorney general in 1990.

As a district attorney, AG, and governor, Doyle has made no bones about where he stands on gun issues. And he's beaten the NRA four straight times in statewide races.

That's because the majority of the people of Wisconsin agree with Doyle that we need fewer guns on our streets, not more; that sensible measures like requiring a background check for handgun buyers are not unreasonable or violations of anyone's constitutional rights; that no one needs an assault weapon in their home.

While many public officials do their best not to agitate the NRA, Doyle has never backed down. He's run television commercials in his AG races about the need for handgun control and background checks. And he's never lost an election.

If the NRA and its Wisconsin members think that making guns an issue is going to beat Doyle in November, let's hope they make it the biggest issue in the race. It is guaranteed to blow up in their faces.

UPDATE: They say Dump Zien.


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