Monday, May 15, 2006

Gay pride concept has escaped York

Don't tell Dennis York that some people are quite open, willing to identify themselves, and may even be proud of -- being (shhhhh) GAY!!

York, who sometimes passes as a reasonable conservative, is of the opinion that no one would ever want to be known to be gay. I thought he lives in Madison, where his representative in Congress is openly gay. From his post:

Thumbs Up to "A Day Without Gays"

When I first read Susan Lampert Smith's column today, I rolled my eyes, as I do most of the time when I read "The Queen of Sensitivity." In it, she advocates for a "day without gays," in which gay people don't show up for work, to mimic the "day without Latinos" rallies of a couple weeks ago. This is supposed to show how valuable gay people are to our every day lives, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

But it dawned on me that this could actually be a fantastic idea, if only for the comedy and excitement it would present. You'd have legitimately sick guys from all over the state push, pull, and drag themselves into work to avoid being absent. There would be 100% attendance in offices statewide. You'd have men that get into car accidents on the way to work that would crawl out of their flaming cars, and drag their bloody stump of a leg all the way into the office to avoid missing work that day.

I can see a guy calling his elderly mother's doctor:

"Yeah, Doc - I know she's wheezing quite a bit, and she's already gotten her last rites. But I really need you to prop her up for an extra day. If she says she's heading towards the light, just feed her another Brandy Old Fashioned - she'll be fine. I cannot miss work today!"
York doesn't say how he's voting on the gay discrimination amendment in November.


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