Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Wisconsin GOP for civil rights, in theory

Wisconsin Republicans are on the cutting edge of compassionate conservatism, in case you had any doubts.

They're so proud of the resolution they passed last weekend at their convention that Chairman Rick Graber put out a press release. The "resolved" clause, the meat and potatoes of any resolution, says:
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Wisconsin, in convention assembled, reaffirms and renews the Republican Party's historic and moral commitment against racism, and continue to welcome Americans of every ethnicity to take a seat at the table in our Party as we work together to preserve our heritage of equality, religious freedom, and strong moral values.
So, here in the early days of the 21st Century, the party is willing to risk everything and go on record as supporting civil rights AND letting minorities join the party. Pretty gutsy.

Of course, the Republicans still don't want them to vote. The Rs continue to wage their campaign to make it as difficult as possible for the poor, minorities and seniors to register and cast their ballots.

GOP operative Brian Fraley is afraid some Latinos might register, because the next thing you know they might show up at the polls. Dave Diamond translates Fraley's post.


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