The good news from Iraq

Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the most wanted man in Iraq, is dead -- again. Probably for good this time.
Now if we could only capture or kill Saddam, victory would be assured.
What's that? We did capture Saddam?
Never mind.
Mission accomplished.
Ya think?
I think not.
UPDATE: Spencer Ackerman of The New Republic: All decent people can take satisfaction in the U.S. military's killing of Abu Musab Al Zarqawi yesterday evening. Even by the grotesque moral standards of Al Qaeda, Zarqawi truly was a monster--someone for whom non-adherence to the most radical interpretations of radical Islamism represented a sufficiently worthy target for slaughter. That monstrosity is why President Bush rightly celebrated the military's successful deliverance of "justice" to Zarqawi. But it's also why, in a rather perverse sense, Zarqawi's death may in fact be a bad thing--carrying with it a potential downside for the United States and for Iraqis, and representing a windfall for Al Qaeda. Read the rest.
Good that Zarqawi is gone. Now is the opportunity to leave Iraq. If Bush followed Reagan's example from Beirut and skedaddled, America and the world would be better off. Also the damn GOP would be better off, but that's a small price to pay to stop the waste of US and Iraqi lives in this foolisn war. Will Bush/Chaney follow Reagan's example and pull out. probably not.
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