Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Next question for Green: Would you sign?

On his fourth try, after being beaten up for three bad answers, Rep. Mark Green now says he will let Scott Jensen rot in the hole before he does anything to pardon him or commute his sentence.

After whiffing for the third time with Milwaukee Magazine's Bruce Murphy, Green must have decided it was time to bite the bullet and put the matter to rest.

Murphy added this to his earlier column:
Postscript, 1 p.m., June 6: Green campaign manager Mark Graul called and now has this to say: “There would be absolutely no situation under which Mark Green would give Scott Jensen commutation.”
With that one out of the way, let's tackle the next question and see if Green can answer on the first try:

Would he sign the strict anti-abortion bill Gov. Kathleen Blanco says she will sign in Louisiana? It's a near-total ban on abortion that includes no exceptions for women who are raped or are victims of incest.

That is Green's position on abortion, we know. He's already said that. The question is whether he would sign a bill imposing that on all Wisconsin women.

We asked the same question when South Dakota passed a similar bill awhile back, but Wisconsin's crackerjack political reporters never got around to asking Green that question.

The Louisiana law has revived the question and put it back into the national news. the NY Times reported that it has become a big issue in governor's races, citing Iowa as an example.

We know Jim Doyle would veto that bill in an instant.

Voters deserve to know: What would Mark Green do?


At 11:16 PM, Blogger Erik Opsal said...

I was under the impression that Wisconsin already had a law like that. If Roe was overturned the law would be on the books again.


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