Saturday, June 17, 2006

Rove supports Hillary

How else would you interpret this outburst?
Additionally, Rove answered the attacks from the left-wing blogosphere:

"The Internet for the Left of the Democratic Party has served as a way to mobilize hate and anger -- hate and anger, first and foremost, at this President and Conservatives, but then also at people within their own party whom they consider to be less than completely loyal to this very narrow, very out-of-the-mainstream, very far Left-wing ideology that they tend to represent."
I suppose he could have been speaking up for Joe Lieberman or one of the other patsies who votes with the Republicans, rather than Hillary, who gets a lot of flak from the left.

It would appear Rove never reads the right-wing blogs, which spend a great deal of their time -- especially in Wisconsin, but elsewhere, too -- mobilizing "hate and anger ... at the people within their own party whom they consider to be less than completely loyal to this very narrow, very out-of-the-mainstream, very far [Right]-wing ideology that they tend to represent."

Well said, Karl.


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