Tuesday, July 18, 2006

A pertinent question

-- Mike Konopacki for the Capital Times, via WisPolitics.

In light of Mark Green's most recent University of Wisconsin-bashing, the Capital Times asks:
How much would Green meddle?

Here's something to ponder with regard to Mark Green:

The Republican candidate for governor objected to the decision of University of Wisconsin Provost Patrick Farrell to allow lecturer Kevin Barrett to continue teaching on campus.

"(Not) a dime of either taxpayer or tuition dollars should be going to facilitate Mr. Barrett telling students that the September 11 attacks were a creation of the U.S. government," Green declared. "Mr. Barrett can dwell all he wants on the fringe left of society, but he should not be doing it under the banner of the University of Wisconsin."

Then he added. "Mr. Barrett is the latest bit of evidence showing the need to replace Jim Doyle and bring reform to the UW System."

Apart from the fact that Farrell decided to keep Barrett as a lecturer after determining that the instructor would not abuse his position, Green's statement raises a fundamental question:

What would Green do differently than Gov. Jim Doyle, the man he seeks to replace?

How would the Republican's response be distinguished from that of the Democratic governor who expressed disdain for Barrett's ideas but accepted that UW officials have leeway in these matters?

Does Green think he could overrule Farrell? If so, would he have done so?

Would Green cut UW funding to punish the institution for failing to meet his demands?

Would Green appoint regents who are explicitly opposed to academic freedom and the UW tradition of encouraging the "continual and fearless sifting and winnowing" of ideas and information as part of the search for truth?

Mark Green has made some pretty bold statements about the UW.

Now the man who would be governor needs to explain how he would actually respond to challenging circumstances on campus.
This isn't his first salvo against the UW system. He's sounded off about the admissions system, weighed in on funding for a Roman Catholic program, and complained about a UW-Eau Claire rule about religious activity in the dorms. (Is there a common theme here?)

He sounds very much like a UW-basher who wants to tell the university what to do. If he were governor and the current crop of right-wing yahoos were still running the legislature, you can bet they would try.


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