Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Death before abortion, Van Hollen says

Well, here's one clear difference in the attorney general's race: J.B. Van Hollen is a "100% pro-life candidate," which means he is against abortion in any and all circumstances -- rape, incest, or even to save a woman's life.

You were raped and impregnated by a family member and may die if you don't have the abortion? Don't come running to J.B. He thinks life is sacred -- except yours.

Here's what it takes to get the Pro-Life Wisconsin endorsement:
To those who are actively involved in the pro-life struggle on a daily basis, "pro-life" means defending each and every innocent human life at all stages of development and in all circumstances, including those whom it is not "politically correct" to protect -- the child conceived in rape, the child whose mother's life is perceived to be in danger, the disabled preborn baby, or the "terminally ill" who are viewed as "burdens" on society. It is clear that life begins at conception/fertilization, so it is clear that that may never be an exception to an innocent child's right to life.
The Pro-Life Wisconsin Victory Fund
"supports candidates for public office who demonstrate a commitment to protect each and every innocent human life -- in all circumstances and at all stages of development."
This is the group that is so extreme that Congressman Mark Green was afraid to reply to their questionnaire. Here's what that extremist group has to say:
"It's exciting and very gratifying to see a 100 percent pro-life candidate win this Republican primary race. J.B. Van Hollen has proudly declared that life begins at conception and that he will work to defend the right to life of all preborn children.

That is a message that resonates with voters. It is clear, consistent and compassionate. It is a message that is in stark contrast to the views of Kathleen Falk, and one that we believe will prevail in the November general election.

More and more Wisconsinites recognize that abortion kills babies and hurts women. Wisconsin needs an attorney general who will work to protect the most innocent among us -- our preborn brothers and sisters.

Pro-Life Wisconsin enthusiastically congratulates J.B. Van Hollen for his victory Tuesday night and looks forward to his victory in November.


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Dad29 said...

You just can't help yourself, X.

The statement reads: "...[a mother whose life is perceived to be in danger

Of course, you would also elide the entire 2nd Amendment from the Bill of Rights...


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