Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Payback time for pharmacists

Just one question: Do you think this could have anything to do with Congressman Green's opposition to allowing the reimportation of safe, affordable medicine from Canada -- something Gov. Jim Doyle championed nationally? Of course, that cuts into local pharmacy profits.

Or was it Green's vote to ban the federal Dept. of Health and Human Services from negotiating lower drug prices for the 40 million people on Medicare?

The big drug companies certainly like Green. Green has taken $60,837 in campaign contributions from pharmaceutical company PACs, lobbyists and employees.

And now this:

Pharmacists Endorse Mark Green for Governor

The Pharmacy Society of Wisconsin's Board of Directors today announced its decision to endorse gubernatorial candidate Mark Green. The endorsement marks the first time in PSW's history that the organization has taken a position on Wisconsin's gubernatorial race.
At least consumers and voters can tell whose side he's on.


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