Missing the big news
Front page political coverage by the Journal Sentinel focused on the gov's race and rallies with Obama and Tommy T.
And it managed to work in the "fact" that the race is tightening, and cite the highly dubious Zogby poll that shows Mark Green up by .5% (yes, that's point five per cent. These Internet polls are precise.)
But in all this fuss over the gov's race, they missed the big story. Senator Herb Kohl is under 50 per cent of the vote, just like Mark Green and Jim Doyle. So, as the paper said about the gov's race, that will make the undecideds very important in the final days.
Don't believe Herb, who's the state's most popular politician in every poll I've ever seen, is under 50%?
That news comes from a highly credible source -- the Zogby poll, of course.
Mike Plaisted has some observations about the coverage, and who decides Tommy Thompson gets top billing over Barack Obama.
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